5/7/2012 Ok, this is my FIRST blog entry

5/7/2012 Ok, this is my FIRST blog entry. I have started so many projects and not continued that all i can say is, we’ll see. Ideally, i would like to produce 2 blogs, one for music and one for my computer work. This is the music blog. Musically, I have come a long way in a few years. Because of second life, I was able to overcome my real life performance anxiety, so although I can still get nervous, performing is no longer a nightmare … it is fun, and i look forward to every performance. Some of you may have noticed that I have been improvising more and having more fun with it, and that is directly due to the fact that I feel more comfortable.
I am soooo looking forward to the Second Life Music City Jam in Nashville. It has the added appeal of being close to both brothers who live 2 hours away. James and his lady, Allie will attend all three days. Second life has answered many of my prayers in life. One unexpected one is a music community. The first Jam I attended was in Connecticut a few years ago. Then more recently, the Baltimore Jam, unfortunately canceled this year. What a wonderful time! I could hardly believe it. Meeting so many SL Performers and friends i had only known as avatars, meeting them, jamming, and having a great time. I was high for many weeks afterwards. This sense of community is something i treasure. One thing before second life that i used to feel was isolation, where are other songwriters and performers? where are people to collaborate with? where do i find them? Where are my peers? Although I joined songwriter groups, and found many good friends, I find that SL provides all of that everyday. The people are amazing .. not once have i thought of it as a game, not once have i thought of the people as avatars. this is not to say that in SL, or even real life, you wont fall in with the wrong crowd, hehe, but musically it is more than a dream come true. The music scene in second Life is amazing.

UNRESOLVED!! I am been having a blast dual streaming with Edward Lowell (mandolin, flute, vocals) and Dan Dan the Dorito Man (bass, vocals). I have met them in RL, and when i move to cleveland, i hope Unresolved (our name) will get many live gigs. I look forward to the shows on Thursday nights with Amy Tupakkaka at For the Love of Music! Some of those have stretched into 2 hour shows, with all of us having a blast! Here is a link to our Woodstock Set , that was at woodstock, but that’s the idea!

Headphones? Consider using ipod – type earbuds to listen to one of my shows. I think it will open a new dimension, since the quality of the streamed music is very high, if you use earbuds or headphones, you will hear it like i do.

I have recently created music for Ryno Hills, 3D sketchup arttist here is a link.

Well this is my first installment hopefully more to follow!


5/7/2012 Ok, this is my FIRST blog entry — 1 Comment

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